5 Healthy Habits To Improve Cancer Care


In the last 20-30 years, several types of cancer have grown multifold. So, with all scientific research, we know that 85% of cancer cases arise from lifestyle metabolic diseases.  This means we have enormous power in our hands to not only prevent but also reverse this deadly disease called cancer.


Science tells us that the environment around us sends signals to our genes. Therefore, the environment around our cells mostly depends on the factors like what we eat, our thoughts and emotions, whether we smoke or not, our sleep, and many similar lifestyle-related factors. So, depending on the signal that our genes receive from the environment around the cells, our genes can either turn on or turn off health-promoting genes. This is a great mechanism for the reversal of disease and creating good health.


Hence we understand that the majority of lifestyle diseases including cancer are not purely genetic but highly lifestyle driven. We would like to share the top five successful lifestyle habits that will help you to have a huge positive impact. Healthy lifestyle habits include regular meditation, sufficient movement, adequate sleep, proper nutrition, and intermittent fasting. Let's have a look at them in a detailed report.


       Nutrition: One of the most important factors for building immunity and combating cancer cells is our nutrition. Numerous studies have shown that when we consume more plant foods, the fiber present in those foods food our gut bacteria. And do you know 85% of our immunity lies in our gut? So when we consume more plant foods, we also end up eating more fiber and phytonutrients that are a key to disease reversal. Fresh foods such as green leafy vegetables, beetroots, nuts and seeds, broccoli, drumsticks, onions are high in anti-cancer benefits.


       Sleep: One of the most underestimated healing mechanisms is a night of good sleep. When we sleep on time, it boosts our immunity system. Most of the healing and repairing process in our body takes place in the first half of the night. But nowadays most of the population sleeps late which tends to weaken the immune system.  Good sleep and early sleep is vital for any cancer reversal story.


       Meditation: With brain scanning techniques, scientists are now able to demonstrate some enormous health benefits of living in gratitude and not in hormones of stress and anxiety. Our psyche is important when it comes to healing. However, meditating 2-3 times a day and continuously living in gratitude is a key to vibrant health and disease-free life.


       Intermittent Fasting: Fasting is equally vital as right eating. Hence, it is scientifically proven to heal and repair the body. Intermittent fasting has been considered as one of the most important benefits for so many ailments including cancer too. A minimum of 14 hours of intermittent fasting has been recommended for cancer patients.


       Movement: Being physically active is very important for a healthy lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a part of your immunity system d it has numerous functions. Our Immunity is highly dependent on the lymphatic system because they help in protecting your body from illnesses causing invaders, maintaining body fluid levels, absorbing digestive tract facts, and removing cellular waste from the body. Hence, it's important to be active throughout the day rather than leading a sedentary lifestyle.


Make sure that our choices and our lifestyle to a great extent determine our health. So whatever we do every day as a habit is far superior to any drug or medicine. You can add Turmeric juice, amla juice, aloe vera juice to your nutrition diet for a healthier lifestyle. Visit Vitro Naturals to discover the amazing blending solutions. 
