Digestive Care Juice: Keep your Digestive System Healthy with Triphala Herbs



Triphala is traditional Ayurvedic medicine and has been used since ancient times. A multi-purpose medicine for symptoms varying from stomach ailments to dental care. It's a polyherbal medicine consisting of several different healing herbs. If you have grievances related to your digestive system and you are looking for some healthy digestive care juices, then you can go for Triphala Juice for keeping your digestive system fit and healthy. It is a combination of three dried fruits Amla, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki, and is known for its multiple benefits.


Amla:  Indian Gooseberry, one of the most edible fruits that grow throughout India. It has a sour, sharp taste, having a  fibrous texture. The herb is very nutritious, containing high vitamin C, amino acids, minerals, and also powerful plant compounds like phenols, tannins, rutin, and many more. This herb is well known for its treatments like constipation and also in cancer prevention, inhibiting the growth of cervical and ovarian cancer cells.


Bibhitaki: Bibhitaki, also recognized as Terminalia bellirica is a large tree that grows in Southeast Asia and is commonly used to treat ailments like bacterial and viral infections. This herb is also used to treat diabetes and blood sugar levels. It contains gallic acid and ellagic acid that is very effective on blood sugar levels, insulin sensitivity, and body weight. This dominant herb has a variety of uses and assists to treat a wide array of medical issues.


Haritaki: Haritaki, also inferred as Terminalia chebula, is a small green fruit that grows throughout the Middle East, India, China, and Thailand. The herb is one of the central components of Triphala. Haritaki is often cited as the "king of medicines". It is a remedy for several conditions like heart disease, asthma, ulcers, and stomach ailments. Research shows that this herb has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti properties and phytochemicals such as terpenes, polyphenols, anthocyanins, and flavonoids. One of the best treatments to treat digestive issues like constipation and discomforts.


Benefits of Triphala: The herb is stimulated as a treatment for several widespread ailments and a way to stave off chronic disease.


Can be used as Natural Laxative: Triphala is a natural treatment for digestive issues like constipation.  The herb improves the symptoms of the constitution, including decreased straining and more complete evacuations. In a study, patients with gastrointestinal disorders were supplemented with Triphala, this reduced their constipation, abdominal pain, and intestinal inflammation. These studies denote that the herb is an alternative to all the over counter laxatives.


Anti-inflammatory Properties: It encompasses vitamin C, flavonoids, polyphenols, tannins, and saponins. Also, helps to fight oxidative stress caused by free radicals and reduces the risk of heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes, and premature aging.


Protects Against Certain Cancers: Research implies that the herb contains potential cancer-fighting properties which inhibit the development of lymphoma as well as stomach and pancreatic cancers in mice.


Treats Dental Disease and Cavities: The herb consists of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help to prevent plaque formation, which is a common cause of cavities and gingivitis. The extracts of this herb reduce plaque buildup, gum inflammation, and bacterial growth in the mouth.


Aid to Weight Loss: Studies show that Triphala helps to lose weight especially in the belly area. There was a survey where rats were provided with high-fat supplements of Triphala having more significant reductions in body weight, energy intake, and body fat, compared to mice who were not supplemented with the herb. This implies that Triphala works well with fat loss.


Triphala is an Ancient Ayurvedic Medical Treatment that is popular for its well-known herbal remedies. It's a natural alternative treatment for constipation and dental issues and even helps with weight loss. The herb is a worthwhile natural remedy to add to your routine.

